On 15 May 2021, the world marks the seventy-three years of ongoing Nakba, the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland. Over this period, Palestinians have lived and died through mass dispossession, demolition, incarceration, bombing, lynching, murder, torture and denial of their most basic human rights.

South Feminist Futures is in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people as they resist colonial violence, occupation, annexation of their land and the historical, multiple and ongoing violations of their right to self-determination. We affirm the right of return of the people of historic Palestine and their right to reparations. We support the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions Movement initiated by Palestinians and taken up by anti-racist, anti-imperialist and feminist movements worldwide.
We denounce the impunity afforded to Israel by its allies in the West despite flagrant violations of international law. Zionist Israel is guilty of apartheid, a crime against humanity in international law. We urge all governments in the Global South to cut diplomatic and economic ties with Israel, ramp up efforts to secure the full liberation of Palestine and back the investigation by the International Criminal Court into past and current war crimes by Israel.
Silence in the face of Israel’s atrocities is complicity and a betrayal of our struggles for liberation from patriarchy, racism, colonialism, imperialism and apartheid.
We will resist in solidarity with Palestine. In our lifetime, Palestine will be free.